You Do NOT Need to Recruit Anyone to Have Phenomenal Success in Drip!

Flemming Arnott
Published in
5 min readJan 29, 2022


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It seems that many people have an initial fear of Drip. They immediately want to shout:

“Ponzi!”, or “MLM!” or “Pyramid Scheme!”

(or sometimes all three!)

I think the main reason for this is the “team-building” aspect of Drip. The notion that it’s something like Amway and a quick way to lose money and friends and be the butt of people’s jokes for decades.

I mean, who wants to be reminded of how their desire to build generational wealth combined with their gullibility lead them to invest money they couldn’t afford to lose into buying overpriced and sub-standard goods that (OMG Crrrriiiiinge) they then had to try and sell to people they knew?

Urrrgggghhhh!!!! Yes I went there and ohhhh, noooo, pleeaaase don’t remind me!!!!!

So, let me tell you in no uncertain terms…


Got that?

You can “go it alone” in Drip! Absolutely! No need whatsoever to recruit anyone else! I know a lot of people who are doing this solo with great success. “Recruiting” people to your team simply accelerates things for you because of the rewards you earn which get added to your deposits and help you achieve your financial goals quicker.

Building a team (AKA “getting referrals”, “building a downline” etc.) also strengthens the Drip network of course, because, just like any other capitalist investment system it needs new capital in order to thrive (want to throw your arms up now and say,

“I told you it was a Ponzi / MLM / Pyramid scheme”???

OK then, let me ask you this:

Do you shout that kind of thing every time you walk into a McDonalds? Come on, get real… we’re living in a capitalist world! Everything depends on new capital, give me an example of an investment product that doesn’t!

Wanting to strengthen DRIP and its network is a perfectly valid reason on its own to recommend Drip to others as I’m sure you will find out for yourself should you decide to invest; I bet you will want to “do your bit” to contribute to the longevity of Drip!

I can 100% guarantee that drip is nothing like Amway!! The only reason skeptics call Drip a pyramid scheme or MLM Is because of the team-building element which is not required for success, nor is it anything like MLM.

When you find something that works as well as Drip you WANT to tell everyone! You don’t want to keep it all to yourself. You want your friends and family to know about it so they don’t miss out on it. Drip incentivizes this via its referral (buddy) system, in order to help with its sustainability. Drip is an incredible system for generating wealth and — unlike Amway and other MLM or Pyramid schemes — you don’t need to embarrass yourself by trying to sell something completely f***ing crap to your family and friends— you’re “selling” a very real prospect of actual, true, generational wealth.

If you don’t believe me please read some of my other articles and see for yourself how this beautiful DeFi project has transformed my fortunes!

If you want to reach out to me on Telegram I will be very happy to hear from you and I’ll be happy to answer any Drip-related questions you have!

What About the People at the Top Who Got In Early?

Early adopters are usually rewarded for their willingness to go first. In Drip this means that the people who got in early have seen massive price appreciation of the DRIP token and they have had longer to build their teams and grow their deposits both through referral rewards and through the 1% daily compoundable interest that Drip pays on their deposits EVERY day. And that’s all — they don’t earn a higher commission on each new referral, they get the same rewards as people who invest today. Drip rewards investors fairly unlike so many financial systems!

What’s not to like? Even if the “team building”/recruitment aspect of drip terrifies you and makes you want to shout “Ponzi!”, or “MLM!” or “Pyramid Scheme!”, try and look beyond that so that you don’t deprive yourself of the golden opportunity that is right in front of you!

If this article has inspired you, and you would like me to be your Buddy in the DRIP Network (and on the journey to wealth and very early retirement), I’d be honored! (Note: you can’t invest without a Buddy, please read my step-by-step guide to getting started with DRIP Network). I promise to be a good Buddy and mentor to you, to encourage you, help you to accelerate your earnings and ROI, and develop a Drip strategy that’s right for you.

My Buddy address is:

…and if you need a step-by-step guide to getting invested, I already wrote one that anyone can follow:

I am part of the Cryptozoa DRIP team. We are a global community of DRIP enthusiasts who are welcoming and helpful. We converse on our own private Telegram group where we share DRIP tips, strategies, breaking news, and more. If you would like to join in the conversation, please join the Cryptozoa team (buy getting into DRIP and using my Buddy address above), and then head over to the Cryptozoa Telegram Gateway. Let the admins on duty know that Farnott sent you — then once you are onboard find me and DM me, I’d love to hear from you!

Nothing in this article is to be construed as investment advice. Neither the author nor the publication takes any responsibility or liability for any investments, profits or losses you may incur as a result of this information. The article may contain affiliate links. ALWAYS DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!



Marketing agency director. I help people create passive income and wealth for themselves by teaching them about new opportunities in crypto and DeFi.